Pumpkin Bars with Almond Crust

Are you all recovered from your turkey comas? If you are like our family, you are still recovering from all the food you ate on Thanksgiving. If you also like me, you may have a heap of leftovers and looking to reinvent them to make something new. Well I bought a 30 oz can of pumpkin not knowing that my recipe only called for 15 oz of pumpkin. So, if you still have some pumpkin in your fridge or maybe you didn't get your pumpkin fix and you want more! Here is a simple and easy pumpkin bar recipe and what else but almond crust. Note: I didn't add the dates the first time I made this, and it really does need that extra sweetness of the dates.

Almond Crust

Finished Bars

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


Sealing an Almond Tree


Giving my Baby Crib new life