Brussel Sprouts with Sliced Almonds

Easter is coming up this weekend and I have already started thinking about what we will serve for brunch and dinner. I always try to add greens and lots of veggies for dinner side dishes. It's spring and there is something about spring that makes me want to eat healthy with lots of veggies!

Brussel sprouts, you either love them or hate them. I love them and add bacon, I love them more. I prefer my bacon extra crispy when adding it to dishes like this, it adds a little extra crunch and texture which is nice.

This is a pretty easy recipe and you could substitute green beans or probably any green veggie you prefer if brussel sprouts is not your thing. I also tend to cut my brussel sprouts in half long ways to speed up the cooking time. Just stick a fork in them and make sure they are tender.

The almonds I use for recipes like this are sliced with a little salt and pepper, but you could probably also use slivered if that is what you have on hand. As you know my now, I am not one to stick to recipes. So experiment and let me know how you enjoyed it!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl 


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