Almond Pesto

It's officially summer. We hit 100 degrees this weekend and it was brutal! With the onset of summer though, comes garden veggies. I have to admit I love growing my own garden and eating the rewards of what we grow. Sadly, because of the drought we cut back our garden to the essentials. Just tomatoes, peppers, and basil this year. We also have an amazing rosemary plant that keeps coming back every year bigger and bigger. Oh, I love our Rosemary bush!

But today we are talking basil. I love basil and trying to add it to anything to add a little zip! But basil is best for making pesto of course. Pesto traditionally uses pine nuts, but those things are so expensive and when almonds are much more readily available why not use almonds! I use whole almonds as well, they are cheaper than sliced or diced and the food processor can handle the little extra work. This recipe for almond pesto is pretty easy and fast. I love being able to throw everything in the food processor and letting it do all the work. Who wants to chop everything anyways? Try it, you won't remember what pine nuts are for anymore.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


Walnut Zucchini Muffins


John Deere Nursery