Don’t Thank a Farmer

It’s National Ag Day and a common phrase I hear on ag day and ag week is always “thank a farmer”.

If you ate today, thank a farmer

If you wore clothes today, thank a farmer

Well you know what, I have a strong dislike for that term. I do not want to be thanked. I did not choose to be farmer because I wanted thanks or praise. I do not think consumers should thank me for choosing to be farmer.

Let me explain….

My husband and I are both proud 4th generation family farmer. Along with 93% of other California farms being family farms. We are proud to be carrying on the family tradition of growing safe, healthy and sustainable food.

We do it because we love it. We love to care for the soil and research the best ways to enrich the land. We tend to the earth and strive to leave it better than we found it.

We don’t want a thank you. We want others to appreciate the effort and love we pour into our fields.

We want you to support family farms by helping ensure we continue on.

We want you to trust us, that we are doing the best we can to keep your food safe and healthy.

We want you to befriend us and get to know us. So if you ever have doubt or questions on your food, you turn to us.

We want you to listen and share our thoughts, our stories and our message as the heartfelt notes we intend them to be.

We want you to love our products and services as much as we love doing what we do.

So on National Ag Day, Ag Week or any day in between- don’t thank a farmer.

Support us, befriend us, trust us, listen to us and share our products to ensure the family farmer will continue on.

We promise with your support, to continue our love for the earth, nourish and love the land, as long as you trust us to grow your food in the healthiest and most efficient way we know how.

That’s our promise to you.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


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