One years ago TODAY, I embarked on a journey like no other. A journey no one could have predicted the path it would lead. It would be an experience to change me life, to introduce me to a crew of go getters, a group like no other.

I traveled to New York City on July 14th, 2019. I was introduced to nine strangers, with nothing in common except our passion for agriculture.

A little over a year ago I was selected to serve on the American Farm Bureau Partners in Advocacy Leadership Program, Class X. The PAL program is an intense two year leadership training program with ten farmers from across the country. I was chosen to represent California and advance myself as a leader in agriculture.

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A year ago I landed in NYC and my life changed dramatically. I have nine of the best friends, friends I can truly depend on and rely on for advice, a good laugh and even a (virtual) shoulder to cry on. We met again in October in Washington DC, after rounds of homework and development projects. It was like picking right up where we left off, four month previously. Due to COVID we have not been able to meet since October 2019 and are not sure when we will get to see each other in person again.

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But to celebrate our one year anniversary and making it through the first year of PAL, we are all hosting a giveaway on Instagram! We are including Tales of the Dairy Godmother, Chuck's Ice Cream Wish . This book was chosen by American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture as the book of the year. It is a fun and great story for kiddos about agriculture. We are also including a Farmers are my kinda people shirt. Which proceeds from the sale of these shirts also benefit the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture- who is helping kiddos of all ages understand agriculture and role is plays in our daily lives. Head on over to my Instagram page and the pages of my nine other classmates to get all the details to win.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


Harvest is Here


Backyard Fruit Orchard