Tips to plant a citrus tree

Want fresh citrus all winter long?

Plant a tree in your backyard!


It’s easy, here are sell tips to follow


🍊 dig a whole the size of the pot your tree is currently in.

🍊 take tree and root zone out of pot. Ensure your tree is ground level. Don’t bury your trunk in the ground. Don’t create a mound your tree is sitting out of the soil in.

🍊fill in some dirt around the tree roots and then fertilize with fruit tree fertilizer for added nutrients and boost to help the tree establish roots in its new home.

🍊 fill in remaining dirt and compact in to not have any air pockets. Create well around tree for water to stay at root zone.

🍊 water in to give your new tree a drink.

🍊 establish drip irrigation for efficient use of water

🍊 wait 2-4 years for fresh fruit straight from the tree!


Enjoy fresh seasonal fruit!


Do you enjoy these tips and find them usual?


Let me know what you have planted in your backyard?

Until next time,

Almond Girl Jenny



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